Pretty Good Sports

Advanced Analytics of the 2018 NFL Mock Draft Contest

Pretty Good Sports

Austin Vershel Kyle Kunert Albert Mattheis Ryan Rutherford Meade Considine Josh Wagner Ian Hanes
Correct Picks 1 1 0 1 3 2 3
Correct PIck % 0.03125 0.03125 0 0.03125 0.09375 0.0625 0.09375
1st Round Prospects 25 24 24 26 26 24 24
1st Round Prospect % 0.78125 0.75 0.75 0.8125 0.8125 0.75 0.75
Avg. Draft Slot Accuracy % 11.90625 10.9375 8.8125 16.625 8.9375 9.96875 11.5625
Avg. Draft Slot Accuracy % of 1st Round Prospects 4.4 3.03125 4.230769231 9.708333333 3.956521739 4.04 5.24
Avg. Draft Slot Accuracy % of 1st Round Misses 38.71428571 31.625 28.66666667 37.375 21.66666667 31.14285714 33.85714286

Avg. Draft Slot Accuracy % means the actual value difference between real draft slot and where they were projected

Avg. Draft Slot Accuracy % of First Round Prospects means the actual value difference between real draft slot and where the prospects who were correctly mocked in the first round were projected

Avg. Draft Slot Accuracy % of First Round Misses means the actual value difference between real draft slot and where the prospects who were incorrectly mocked in the first round were projected